Leadership – Liderança Nivel 5

Leadership – Liderança Nivel 5

Jim Collins, em seu livro Good to Great (Empresas Feitas Para Vencer), apresenta um estudo sobre os tipos de lideranças (Leadership) e seus respectivos estereótipos que vale a pena conhecer. Abaixo reproduzo uma síntese de um dos capítulos, feita pela HBS,  que trata deste tema.  Após a leitura você poderá refletir sobre qual o estilo preferencial, atualmente, da sua organização. Para os que já leram o livro este artigo representa um bom material de revisão. Para quem ainda não leu espero ser um estimulo para leitura completa do livro. Esta síntese eu trouxe do meu curso em Harvard quando tive a oportunidade de participar de um treinamento denominado TGMP (The General Management Program) e gostaria de compartilhar com vocês. Não fiz a tradução para não perder a essência da mensagem.

Boa leitura.

Level 5 Leadership: The Triumph of Humility and Fierce Resolve – by Jim Collins


How do Level 5 leaders manifest humility? They routinely credit others, external factors, and good luck for their companies’ success. But when results are poor, they blame themselves. They also act quietly, calmly, and determinedly – relying on inspired standards, not inspiring charisma, to motivate.

Inspired standards demonstrate Level 5 leaders’ unwavering will. Utterly intolerant of mediocrity, they are stoic in their resolve to do whatever it takes to produce great results – terminating everything else. And they select superb successors, wanting their companies to becomo even more successful in the future.


level 5 leaders st atop a hierarchy of four more common leadership levels – and possess the skills of all four. For example, Level 4 leaders catalyze commitment to and vigorous pursuit of a clear, compelling vision. Can you move from Level 4 to Level 5?? Perhaps, if you have the Level 5 “seed” within you.

Leaders without the seed tend to have monumental egos they can’t subjugate to something larger and more sustaining than themselves, i.e., their companies. But for leaders with the seed, the right conditions – such as self-reflection or a profoundly transformative event, such as a life-threatening illness – can stimulate the seed to sprout.


Grow Level 5 seeds by practicing these good-to-great disciplines of Level 5 leaders:

First who: Attend to people first, strategy second. Get the right people on the bus and the wrong people off – then figure out where to drive it.

Stockdale paradox: Deal with the brutal facts of yours current reality – while maintaining absolute faith that you will prevail.

Buildup-breakthrough flywheel: Keep pushing your organizational “flywheel”. With consistent efforts, momentum increase until – bang! – the wheel hits the breakthrough point.

The hedgehog concept: Think of your company as three intersecting circles: what it can be best at, how its economics work best, and what ignites its people’s passions. Eliminate everything
